It Starts...

Believe it or not, this is where I go to school: Keble College, Oxford University.______________________________________________________
In order for you to understand anything that I say from this point forward, I must provide you with a brief outline of the Oxford system of education.
All teaching at Oxford is done on a one-on-one basis. My classload consists of a primary tutorial which meets each week, and a secondary tutorial which meets fornightly (bi-weekly). In addition to these two main courses, I am enrolled in an Integrative Seminar which is designed to tie my tutorials together. The seminar is taken with a group of students studying similar subjects; In this case, we are all students of English literature.
Now it gets slightly confusing. As part of my tutorials and my seminar, I am required to attend four lecture series. These series are put on by the university and cover every subject imaginable. Each lecture runs from 4-8 weeks, meeting weekly. The lectures cover a set topic, but are not necessarily linked together. The goal is to choose a lecture series that will compliment my tutorials. The dons (an Oxford Professor) have no idea who you are or what you are studying. They are simply there to impart the information that they have learned. The is no direct connection between the tutorials and the lecture series. It's up to you to make the link. Altogether, I will be attending about 32 lectures over the course of the semester.
Each week I will meet with my tutor and turn in an essay of 4-7 pages answering a set question which was posed the previous week. My tutor also provides a reading list which helps me answer the questions.
At the end of the semester I have a long essay due which is designed to combine the work that I have done in my tutorials. This is turned in to my integrated seminar leader. There is also a take-home essay exam.
This is the Oxford system. Not necessarily better, but it's the way they've been doing things for 600+ years!
I am enrolled in C.S. Lewis In Context for my primary tutorial and The English Language 1100-1490 for my secondary tutorial. I just received my assignment for my primary session which will meet on Tuesday. Here is my "to do list:"
From the desk of Dr. Emma Plaskitt
Selected Primary Reading:
Be sure to read Lewis's autobiography, Surprised by Joy and A. N. Wilson's excellent study, C. S. Lewis: A Biography (London, 1991)
Week One: Fantasy, Allegory, and the "Rules of Faerie" (Part One)
Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia (all seven please!)
"On Three Ways of Writing for Children" and "Sometimes Fairy Stories May
Say Best What's To Be Said" (In Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stories)
Wish me luck, I'm off to study!
Sounds you will have an interesting semester full of good solid academic work. I have no doubt that you will do well.
When my granddaughter and I visited Oxford this last summer, we saw where some of the Harry Potter movie scenes are filmed. It was quite exciting!
Garnet Hauger
Good to see what is going on there. I will be checking back often.
Wow, what a course load. Hope you get into the flow of things and discern the expectations of your tutors quickly. Praying that your reading comprehension and memory is extra sharp. Use your time wisely. Pray a lot. We will be praying on your behalf as well. All our love, your mom and dad and 6 siblings.
thats a interesting system they got there... Sure different.. God Bless Ya!!
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