Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Two days until the adventure begins! I now have clothing and misc. items strewn all over the ping pong table in our basement. The goal is to distill my entire life down to two suitcases worth of stuff. Going through this process has made me realize how much irrelevant, useless stuff I have. You don't need very much to live on!

Today I am focusing on praying for my semester at Oxford. I strongly believe that a covering of prayer before I leave will make things go much better over the next few months.

Several years ago the Lord gave me a verse in Psalm that has stuck with me: “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.” (Ps. 2:8) It has been my desire for some time now that I would be able to develop an international ministry. I have been privledged to have traveled quite a bit in the past five years. My journey to Oxford is a continuation of the Lord's promise.

It would mean a lot to me if you would consider praying for Nellie and I as we depart and study in Oxford. Yesterday I compiled a short prayer list for my family which I would like to share with you as well:

  1. Safe travel to Oxford (luggage arrive with us!)
  2. No trouble at customs.
  3. Quick adjustment to time, country, city, and surroundings.
  4. Good relationship with roommates and housemates.
  5. Good professors and classes.
  6. Work hard at school—get good grades.
  7. Be able to travel around England.
  8. Spend money wisely.
  9. Meet all the people in the dorm.
  10. Have fun!
  11. Ministry opportunities.
  12. Endurance and pacing throughout semester.
Thanks for your prayers, they are appreciated!


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